Mystic's Way: Healing through Stillness



Coming to Rest on the Ground of your Being

Spiritual Support for Letting Go into Wholeness


Here's a space for sitting with you as let go of what doesn't serve you - at the deepest level - and discover what's aligned to the real.

Who could explain why some of us are driven to dig deeper and deeper into ourselves - and into reality? Somehow it's been a fire and drive lit in the souls of mystics for thousands of years. Ordinary counselling is ill-prepared to support a person in this process of destruction and liberation. And traditional spiritual teaching can sometimes be so structured that it doesn't meet a person in their unique unfolding. Spiritual Counselling fills the gap between: bringing understanding and intimate experience of the awakening process to the table, while also giving you space and support to unfold something that's uniquely yours.


This Space Provides Support For:

  • Through a lifetime of collecting hurts, it makes sense that we may a tightened, wary position with life: contracting, resisting, trying to manage the experience of our pain when it arises. And as the mystics and sages of countless traditions have pointed out, a different way is possible. We can set down the ego’s management style and relax into a kind of Naturalness. The cost in this approach of course. It involves a kind of stark immediacy which leaves no gap between you and whatever discomforts might be jangling in body and mind. Something like courage may be needed. And a willingness to be vulnerable - to let go even for a moment from the harder, defensive emotions to see what softer, more wounded parts of ourselves might be waiting.

    This Naturalness opens up possibilities for deep healing. The wounded or enraged parts of ourselves we’ve carried for years come to the surface…and our Wholeness responds with medicine. When warmth and love are what’s needed to heal some ancient pain, compassion may come- naturally, unforced. Or Wholeness might respond with an absolute willingness to bear witness to and honour the pain - to offer solemn acknowledgement of the depth of what happened. Naturally, wholeness offers the deep gift of grieving for what’s been endured.

  • It’s common for mind to get cluttered with old reaction-patterns. As often as not, those patterns were created when we were very young - strategies for living and coping created from a child’s understanding. Not surprisingly, these rusty old approaches are often ill-suited to what’s happening now. What an opportunity then to unclench from those habitual patterns to make way for a greater Wisdom to come forth. Incredibly the knowing that arises out of Stillness is so much greater than the sum of our own personal knowledge.

Section 1

This is the content of section 1.

Section 2

This is the content of section 2.

Somatic Healing

When our nervous systems are disturbed by trauma, it can become very tempting to experience life through the lens of survival mechanisms. Our body tension may give us the constant impression that the world outside our skin is dangerous. The power we have available to us may then become locked up in a perpetual loop of survival mechanisms: fight, flight, freeze.

Stillness offers another option: that our power is withdrawn from reactive survival patterns that don't match reality. Instead, our elemental power can become spacious, still, and mountainous. As it does, the energy locked in our nervous system as trauma can gracefully unravel.