Our Approach
The core of what we do here is sit quietly with you..with a steady, warm curiosity about the depths of who you are…and no judgements or expectations about who you should be. We give you space and a basic sense of safety to relax out of old patterns and intentionally, consciously create new ways of being that better match who you are. And we accompany you in authoring a life that that reflects and expresses the rich dignity and self-worth you discover as part of getting to know your true nature.
A Space of Gentle Accompaniment
The basic offering here involves meeting whatever is coming up for you from a heart-space of patience, openness, compassion...just really hanging out with whatever you're feeling and giving it a space to felt and expressed on its own terms.
And that's a lot in itself: just spending time feeling accompanied in an open space without hurry, pressure or expectations to show up any particular way.
Beyond that, we work from the idea that your experience of life is a reflection and expression of what is happening in your inner world. Working with this principle involves becoming more and more aware of what's happening within - in your present moment emotions, body sensations, energy, and alignment to what is most important to you. It involves making room for what's hidden and disruptive inside you to become conscious.
My name is Shawn...
My role involves holding an openness that is responsive to what's needed in the moment. When what's most needed is a technique from modern therapeutic modalities, I’m happy to offer that up. And…if what’s most useful in the moment is to throw out all those tools for something much more subtle - or much more unconventional - I’m happy to do that too. Maybe we sit quiet as ancient monks. Maybe we talk through how your last Ayahuasca journey or deep meditation cracked you open. The whole approach rests on a foundation of deep listening: going slow, really taking in what’s happening to and for you….letting it all settle in slowly like rain water soaking into rich fertile soil. Giving space for words, feelings, difficulties to come to ground…maybe even discovering some hidden sacredness in that. No hurry, no advice, no expectations.